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  • Writer's picturePriya

Top 10 tips to develop a Reading Habit

Updated: Jun 15, 2020

Hi lovelies,

Welcome back to my blog.

Although we read something everyday we need to make some changes to our reading pattern in order to make it a habit.

When I started reading novels at first I couldn’t keep it up for more than 3 days and I felt it very boring. But later I decide I should make reading a daily habit. So I tried several methods or say tricks to make it possible.

And trust me this was the best decision I have ever made and it changed my life a lot better than it was.

Reading books has helped me to keep calm and be patient, control my emotions and to think before saying anything to anyone. It helped me a lot in changing my attitude.

Here I will take you through the top 10 tips / tricks that had helped me develop this habit.

1. Read for 30 mins everyday.

      Yes, you need to start reading everyday for at least 30 mins in order to develop an interest for reading.       Psychologically speaking it takes 21 days to inculcate any habit into our lifestyle which is also true in case of reading a book.       So go ahead and START reading.

2. Read whatever you like.

It’s not necessary that you read only one type of book… Even if y ou don’t know what to read just start by reading whatever you feel like at first.

3. Try different genres and pick whatever interests you.

Keep experimenting with different genres and eventually you will find your favorite. So don’t stop if you don’t find a book interesting. Read variety of books and find a favorite.

4. Try different types of books.

You might say what if I don’t have access to hard copies of books.. Well you can always read ebooks or audiobooks whichever is comfortable for you.. So try each of the type and see which is more preferable for you.

5. Always carry a book.

Wherever you go have a book with you always…be it physical book, ebooks or audiobooks. It will make you want to read more.

6. Take up a book reading challenge.

You can find a variety of book reading challenges online. Take up any one monthly challenge and stick to it… You will see the difference in your habit within a month.

7. Join book clubs.

You can try joining the book clubs either online or offline and interact with like-minded people.

8. Find a book buddy.

You can find a friend who love reading and ask him/her to join you in the book reading challenge or just to read along with you.

9. Find a quiet place.

Try reading in different places and see where you are most comfortable reading.

10. Start a book blog.

What can be interesting than talking about books you like or that you read. So start a blog and write what you like about those books or you can just use these to keep track of books that you read. Or you can just use apps like Goodreads to keep track of books.

Fun tip : Imagine you are one of the characters in the book. You will find it more lovely and realistic and you can truly enjoy the book.

So these are few tops that helped me to develop a habit of reading over time. Don’t lose hope of you don’t find any book interesting or if you don’t find reading interesting at the beginning.. Just keep calm and follow the tips given above.

That’s all for now friends.

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Have a good day.

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